I had fun!

Overall it has been another great semester. Crazy busy of course, but great as always. I can honestly say I have learnt a lot through all my course but particularly in my ICTs and pedagogy course. I still have TONNES to learn of course but I now feel far more confident in approaching the classroom of the future.

There are so many great opportunities to implement ICTs into teaching now and I really hope I will follow along this trend and continue to broaden my horizons from a ICTs point of view when teaching in the coming years.

I really can’t wait to be creative!

Reflection is great practice

I am a fan of reflecting. Not ashamed to say it, I love to reflect on things I’ve done. That can be professionally or just on things in my general life that I am trying to achieve.

I see great value in reflecting on ourselves as individuals both in the general sense and critically. In reality it’s one of the only concrete ways of self improving. Obviously we can always be told by someone else, but I guess when you are figuring out the answers for yourself about yourself…it can be a very useful approach to work out ways to improve yourself further, in whatever you may do.

Final Recap

It was great to take part in a sort of summarising exercise with our ICTs and pedagogy course. We were asked to fill in a table with which had a number of the frameworks and models for ICTs integration we have been covering throughout the course this semester.

I unfortunately am one of those learners who sometimes may lose sight of a pedagogical view or framework if I have not been putting it into practice myself frequently. So when I looked at the table we were asked to fill in and saw things we covered back in weeks 1 and 2 I had a moment of thinking: “Oh wait.. what’s that again..?”

So going through and finding the information needed on each framework and model to fill out the table I think was a great way to reopen my thinking in that respect. Although I did have to go back to refresh my memory a few times. Great idea! 🙂